Even the sadness from those days...
Even the pain from those days...
I loved it all, together with you


Ser Vhian Auberount de Veilleux
Vhian of the Silent Spear
Vhi, Bee
13th Sun of the Second Astral Moon 1544
The Holy See of Ishgard
Halone, the Fury (Non-Believing)
40 (DT)
215 cm / 7'05''
120 kg / 265 lbs
Golden Dragon Eye / Lavender Blue
Mixed Ishgardian Elezen / Duskwight
Cis Male (He / Him)
Demiromantic Pansexual
DRG/SMN Hybrid
Wandering Mercenary (DT)


Early Life

Vhians early life was shaped by the circumstances of his birth. His mother’s marriage had turned sour moons ago as even after years of trying, not once had she shown any signs she had been with child. As her husband turned to warfare, alcohol and easier company, she came across a traveler after a particularly nasty argument. Not blind to her husband's infidelity and having been deemed barren by the chirugeons, he showed her a kindness her spouse hadn't in years and she had no remorse indulging in one night in another man's arms.As it turned out, it wasn’t her who was unable to conceive children.When her belly started growing, she knew the child wasn’t her husband’s, yet she chose to carry it to term regardless. And so, nine moons later, Vhian was born as the unmistakable proof of her affair, sporting the dark skin and pale hair of the stranger she shared a bed with. And despite the outrage that went through Ishgards nobility, despite Elant's insults and accusations against his wife, despite the eagerness of the church to name him a Greystone, Valene stood her ground as the head of House Veilleux and decreed Vhian heir to their name.And yet murmurs and whispers have followed Vhian as long as he can think. Ishgards nobility made no secret of their distaste for the boy, as they did with every bastard who had the misfortune to be born into a noble house. Standing out like a sore thumb amongst his peers however, he found few who weren’t advised to not tread with him by their parents. Only the children of House Haillenarte and Fortemps had no qualms to be associated with him due to their parents' close ties with his mother, as well as the somewhat shy but kind boy of House Borel, a kindred spirit who knew the cruelties of Ishgards rumor mills all too well.Still, Vhian preferred to stick to himself, spending his time with books rather than be outside and make himself target to the other childrens harrassments. Although staying at home wasn’t much better. While his mother doted upon him at every opportunity and loved him unconditionally with all her heart, she could only do so much to shield him from the ire of his stepfather, as a divorce would put even more kindle to the flame of rumors and another blow to the family's reputation.Vhians life took a turn when he was three and ten summers old. On a sleepless night he wandered the kitchen in search of some water, where he encountered his stepfather, heavily intoxicated and swift to unload his anger upon him. Just when the boy tried to retreat, Elant snapped and he lunged for Vhians throat, screaming at him that he was the reason his life had gone awry. In his panic and gasping for air, Vhian grabbed a knife from the nearby counter and sliced blindly at his attacker, causing him to lose his grip and tumble to the floor.In this moment, something buried deep inside Vhian stirred: All the agony from years of being treated as less, the anger and pain that had accumulated from continuous harassment and abuse. And the want for revenge. Looking at the pathetic, drunken man on the floor, Vhian made a decision and brought the knife down, stabbing again and again in blind fury, with all his hatred for his stepfather who treated his mother and him poorly all his life, for everyone who ever harmed him and for Ishgard, the city which claimed to follow religious virtues until they deemed someone worthless.That night, Vhian lost what little faith he had left in the Fury.


Becoming a Dragoon

Under Construction



Under Construction



Under Construction



Ser Estinien Varlineau

Former Azure Dragoon of Ishgard. He knows Vhian since they were teenagers and while they had a bumpy start, he'd soon find one of his best friends in him. They maintained a 'Friends with Benefits' relationship for almost twenty years until they finally admitted to their feelings for each other in the wake of the Final Days. Currently on a trip to explore Tural with his partners.

Ser Aymeric de Borel

Lord Speaker of Ishgard. Aymeric knows Vhian and Estinien since their Temple Knight days and the three of them have been best friends since. While pushing for the role of Lord Commander of the Temple Knights, he slowly developed feelings for both of his comrades but kept silent about them as it was clear as day to him that the both of them were meant for each other. In the end, it was Vhian who confronted him and offered to cede his relationship with Estinien if it meant he would see Aymeric happy. The dragoon however was not dealing with such stupidity and so the three of them agreed to try if they could make a poly relationship work. Currently travels Tural with his partners.



Lady Valene de Veilleux

Vhian's and Noibelle's mother and former Head of House Veilleux. Valene inherited the family name after her two older brother's fell in the Dragonsong War. She married young but wasn't able to bear her husband any children and was deemed barren by the chirugeons. As it turned out however, it wasn't her who was infertile as she became pregnant with her son after a one night stand with a traveling bard. Despite all the spite and hardships she faced from her husband and society, Valene always protected Vhian as well as she could and stood firmly at his side. After Elant's early passing, she married Auvaux, a man she met when her husband was out drinking and whoring his worries away. Noibelle is their daughter. She currently involves herself with the works at the Rolanberry Field orphanage and Saint Vaindreau's Grace.

Lady Noibelle de Veilleux

Vhian's half-sister and Head of House Veilleux. When his mother told him she was pregnant again, Vhian worst fear was that she would abandon him, as Noibelle's birth would mean there was now a 'true heir' to the Veilleux name and he was no longer welcome. However, his mother made sure to give him extra attention whenever she could during her pregancy and the moment Vhian held his baby sister in his arm's for the first time, all his frustration was gone in an instant. He has been doting on his sister ever since. Noibelle however, while a noble lady through and through, inherited her mother's fierceness and trained to become a healer who's not afraid to use her staff as a melee weapon. She was engaged to Haurchefant Greystone and was devestated about his deaths for moons. Her heart eventually started to heal when she met Vex'ra and the two of them became lovers. When Noibelle gave birth to her twins Aurie and Alain, Valene officially passed the family manor down to her, making her the new Head of the Veilleux family (with Vhian's approval) She currently tends to the daily affairs of the House and is an acting member of the House of Lords.

Juneau Croixlain

Vhian's father. A wandering bard who grew up in the Shroud and happened to be having a drink in the Forgotten Knight when a beautiful young lady entered the tavern and caught his eye. The lady was none other as Valene de Veilleux, though he was never concerned with her name or status, she was simply a woman in need of some cheering up. After spending the night together, he bid her farewell, not knowing of the consequences of their encounter for the next 37 years. It was only by chance that he met Vhian in a tavern in Mor Dhona during his time of recovery from his trip to the First. Despite feeling a mix of anger and frustration in the beginning, Vhian knew he couldn't blame him for not being there for him and ultimately decided to reconnect with his father. Back in Ishgard, they had a long talk with his mother about what had happened and Juneau has been a regular at family gatherings ever since.

Lord Auvaux de Beaudaire

Noibelle's father. As the fifth child of House Beaudaire, one of Ishgards lower noble families with distant ties to the Fortemps, Auvaux was never expected to do great things. He knew Valene from a young age, but never saw any chances with her since she and Elant were teenage sweethearts. He always had his suspicions about Elant however

Ser Elant de Glaucanent ✝

Vhian's step-father.



Fahri Amarikko

Warrior of Light and Vhian's best friend.

Cylian Amarah

Fahris husband and Vhian's bro.

G'raha Tia

Fahri's husband and Scion of the Seventh Dawn.


Fahri's love interest and Gleaner of Sharlayan.


Fahri's familiar and entelechy.